This elementary complex number calculator is for doing basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of complex numbers.
In addition, use this complex number calculator to compute exponentiation of complex numbers and also calculate the parallel sum (reduced sum) of complex numbers, which is used in electrical engineering, fluid mechanics, financial mathematics and other fields of sciences.
You can enter complex numbers in the rectangular form, a + ib, or polar form, r∠θ. The complex calculator converts from rectangular form to polar form automatically and vice versa.
The result of a calculation is given in both rectangular and polar forms.
You can conveniently specify the number of decimal places or significant digits with which the calculated results are displayed by using the slider provided.
You can also conveniently reuse the result of a calculation with optimal precision.
This complex numbers calculator allows the parts of a complex number be entered as an expression such as 1/2 + 2(3+4)^3 - 4√(5) + 2π/6.
When you enter a complex number in the polar form the complex number calculator allows inputting the angle in degrees or radians and the results are also given in degrees or radians, respectively.